Manual of good practices in prevention of overparenting has been prepared by all partners.
The result of Output 1
Partners have gathered 50 good practices all around world. Each partner found 7-8 good practices. the good practices are collected according to four dedicated topics:
healthy parenting techniques
prevention of overparenting
fostering child autonomy and independency
mindfulness techniques in parenting
Conclusions from kick off meeting
IO1 is the most important IO of the Project, as all other IO and project activities will derive from this.
1º we will go to the schools to understand what are the different parenting styles that can be found and identifies, and understand what the teachers know about this topic and how they identify overparenting in their schools - through surveys to teachers and parents
2º gather good practices existing in the schools and at the national level. Plus we must to some research world wide for best practices
3º identify and define different topics to be approached in the manual
4º develop methodology for the implementation of the manual within the schools
We promised to select 50 good practices. Therefore we will collect 8 good practices per partner
We will perform a minimum of 43 questionnaires per country