The Agrupamento de Escolas nº 1 de Gondomar, is a cluster of schools placed in an urban area from the district of Porto (Gondomar), which headquarters is placed in the High School of Gondomar. This cluster was created in 2012, as a result of the fusion of the High School of Gondomar and the Schools and kindergartens from Jovim e Foz do Sousa, and has more than 2500 students and 500 teachers, educators and managers.
This cluster of Schools is the result of the sum of more than 100 years of existence, which made it a reference educational institution at local, regional and national level, with the ambition to provide quality education and training to all it’s students, starting from the motto “From knowledge to active citizenship”. The High School of Gondomar is the oldest school in the district, founded in 1918 as a School of arts and Goldsmith, with only 5 teachers.
The quality of their education is built on the quality of the teachers and educators, highly experienced in education, which allows an efficient and successful coverage of all the areas of education.
The Agrupamento de Escolas nº1 de Gondomar is constituted by 12 educational establishments, and promotes the development of the following educational offerings:
a) Kindergarten
b) Pre-school
c) Primary School
d) Preparatory school
e) High School
f) VET school
g) Centres for education and training for adults (CQEV)
JumpIN Hub - Association for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a non-profit organization established in 2019, in Portugal.
This Association aims to promote an innovation and development ecosystem, supporting entrepreneurship,
promoting research, the development and implementation of innovation-inducing practices within the scope
of business, public and 3rd Sector organizations, in a local, regional, national context and international.
JumpIN Hub's main objective is to promote, in a sustainable way, innovation and entrepreneurship as
promoters of development in the social and business areas, through integrated education and supported by
non-formal education methodologies, for young people (NEET) and adults , covering 3 main areas:
- Socio-cultural education
- Education for personal development
- Professional qualification
Following this, the Association offers various services and promotes activities in the areas of professional
training and development of personal skills through formal and non-formal methodologies, in the areas of
entrepreneurship and innovation, and in the areas of digital skills and communication, through workshops,seminars and other learning-promoting activities.
BETTER FUTURE, Ksenija Stražišnik s.p.
​Better Future is a private enterprise established in 2019. Nevertheless, the company is very young, people involved in the project have long years of experience in education, personal and sports training and organisation of youth and adult mobilities.
Other experience of staff members in the company:
Teacher Training skills and implementing new education practices
Digital marketing and copywriting skills
Training in sport and coaching of young people from 2004
20 years of cooperation with different top-notch sport and training institutions as well as with the Ministry of Educations and Sports of Slovenia in the field of young athletes development
Volunteer experience - active participation in the Erasmus+ project in different roles in other companies
Expertise in guiding groups of people towards the same goal in big companies in the management and HR position
Tourist guiding and organisation skills from 1997 onwards in different EU countries
In the last few years, the owner of the Better Future specialises in digital marketing and dissemination activities which is a great need for every project. She is running the site, providing personal coaching and digital marketing techniques to the clients
Grădinița Scufița Roșie is a non-profit kindergarten, general education pre-primary level situated in the south-east of Romania, in Bucharest. Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is the largest city and the main political, administrative, economic, financial, banking, educational, scientific and cultural centre of the country.
The city is a mix of old and new, traditional and modern in a neoclassical style showing originality and charm.
Our kindergarten is relocated to an office building offered by the local institution, close to the old town centre of the city. There are 200 children, aged from 3 to 7 with 15 qualified teachers. The kindergarten staff is in a part made of young teachers that are creative, interested to involve new different approaches in the educational process and open to new directions of self-development.
Our students come from various Etnies: Romanian, Kazakhstan, African and Rome, from families without financial possibilities or modest. We want to make sure that they receive a good education that will allow them to progress and to become responsible persons and to prevent school leaving. We are offering relevant learning and development to kids, teachers and parents through many innovative activities, coaching and training sessions. We use experiential learning, outdoor learning and interactive learning in order to keep the activity attractive with best results and prevent school abandon.
ÇEBDER (The Association of Unity in Diversity) is a non-governmental organization that organizes educational, cultural and sporting activities in different fields. The members of the NGO are from different backgrounds and they have come together with the philosophy of lifelong learning. Members of the NGO involve stakeholders from different segments of society, including academicians, teachers, self-employed people, university and high school students. CEBDER aims to reach individuals who are in need of education to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies required for the era without paying regard to their language, religion, race or color differences by providing their active participation in national and international learning processes. In order to reach this aim, CEBDER members have been organizing training activities, social-oriented researches, awareness-raising activities, informative meetings and dissemination events in various fields according to their expertise areas.
Although it is a 3 years old NGO, leading team members have been running international projects since 2009. They have realised many Erasmus+ projects and they organised training activities towards teachers to strengthen skills and competencies of them in different areas such as:
*digital competences,
*using technology and web2 tools actively in their classrooms,
*promoting to lead a healthy life,
*dealing with stress,
*fighting against extremism,
*working on innovative ways to facilitate lives of autistic children and their parents.
Turkish Education-Syndicate; It is a union operating in the Education, Training and Science Services Branch within the framework of the laws. Teachers, academic lecturers and civil servants working in state schools, universities and dormitories can become members. We are addressing more than 1 million education personnel working in our country.
It is one of the largest civil servant unions in our country with its 110 branches, 6 provincial representatives, 930 district representatives and more than 200 thousand members organized throughout the country. Our union was established on 18 June 1992.
Türk EÄŸitim-Sen has been growing day by day by increasing the number of its members since its establishment.
Türk EÄŸitim-Sen, a union that brings up the problems of education workers and education, and every important issue related to our country; It carries out work stoppages, organizes rallies, signs important symposiums and panels, identifies problems in education by conducting surveys, files lawsuits on unlawful matters, and provides legal services to its members. We carry out R&D studies to make positive touches to the working lives of education employees and to improve their working hours. The studies carried out are shared with the Ministries and the Government and all relevant stakeholders in the form of reports and presented to the public.
Kauno kolegija/ Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (hereinafter referred to as KUAS) is a state multidisciplinary higher education institution established in 2000. It provides first cycle studies awarding a professional bachelor’s degree in the areas of technologies, social sciences, health sciences, humanities and arts. It is one of the biggest institutions of higher education not only in Lithuania, but in the whole Baltic Region with about 6,000 students, more than 800 employees, and 31,000 graduates. Over 1 600 students graduate from the university every year. In KUAS, studies are being implemented in 4 faculties (the Faculty of Business, the Faculty of Technologies, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Arts and Education) in Kaunas, and a regional division in TauragÄ—. KUAS academic units maintain close contacts and cooperate while implementing the KUAS Strategy and developing applied science/art activities.
All the degree programmes are designed with the goal to equip the learners with profound theoretical knowledge and to provide the maximum training of practical skills. Approximately 30 to 50 per cent of the total study time at KUAS is spent on developing student’s practical skills
Success of KUAS is based on the partnership among students, teachers and employers in the process of training specialists who acquire higher education and practical skills within shorter period, usually of three years.
Close cooperation between KUAS and employers has positive influence on student employment in enterprises and other institutions.
International cooperation is one of KUAS priority areas. It is a member of the various international associations and networks such as EURASHE (the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education), EAIE (the European Association for International Education), and is an active participant in EU Erasmus+, Nordplus and other international cooperation programmes. KUAS has around 200 collaboration agreements with foreign HEIs in the areas of education, applied research, quality assurance, cultural and project activities. Every year more than 300 students from KUAS participate in the exchange programmes or other mobility activities, also foreign students are coming for studies or internships. International cooperation aims for improving the quality of studies, applied research and ensures the compliance of KUAS graduates skills with continuously changing needs of international labour market.
Klara s.p. is a private enterprise established in 2019. Although the company is very young, people involved in the project have experience in consulting, education, personal and
corporate training and organisation of team building events in companies.
Other experience of staff members in the company:
- Mediation techniques and skills for dispute mediation (young people and adults)
- Stress release management
- Survey definition, design and preparation, both in paper and electronic form
- Design and management of digital media, web sites and documentation
- Digital marketing and copywriting skills
- Training in team building, coaching and support in parenting from 2008
- 25 years of experience in managing work organisation and work distribution (logistics)
- Volunteer experience - active participation in the Erasmus+ project in different roles in other companies
- Expertise in guiding preschool children as a consultant for parents
In the last few years, we are establishing ourselves in the educational sector providing support for international educational project management and teacher training