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Output Leader: Syndicate Konya

The general goal of the IO is to prepare a convenient manual on using different good practices and techniques in the field of preventing overparenting in modern parenting environments and improving the child's early independence. 


Based on IO1 and IO2, we will produce the first draft of our FREE KIDS guide book for parents and test it in every partner country to get additional direct feedback from parents involved in the parents training. Feedback will help us improve and finalise the FREE KIDS guidebook where we will complete final content, topics, design and structure. The last step will be producing the final version of the FREE KIDS guidebook for support in proper parenting techniques for parents and children's well being and translation into partners languages.


Aims of the IO:

To prepare step by step guidebook on

  • How to recognise overparenting in your child-raising?

  • How to give your children gifts of disappointment and making mistakes to learn from them?

  • How to identify the situation when you need to interfere and when your child needs to find his own solution?

  • How to make a congruent effort from both parents without (over)protection from one parent?

  • How to give your children age-appropriate responsibilities that also include running a home?

  • How to allow your kids to make choices?

  • And to teach best practices from the IO1

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Read or download the guidebook in partner languages by clicking the flags

© 2020-2022 by Free Kids Project. "The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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Project No: 2020-1-PT01-KA204-078497

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